Your credit card is NOT charged at the time of booking. Instead, it will be temporarily held to secure the reservation. The hold on your credit card will be released upon arrival and full payment is due after playing.
Cancellations made within 12 hours of the scheduled start time for any booking, will result in a charge of 50% of the original booking fee.
In the case of a “no call, no show” for any booking, the full booking fee will be charged (100% of the original booking fee).
Please note: Bay time ends 5 minutes prior to the end of your booked time so that our team can properly clean the bay and allow the next group to start on time. Thank you for managing your pace of play accordingly!
Although we allow our customers to choose which bay they’d like to play in, we reserve the right to move reservations to other bays to optimize the tee sheet and allow for other customer bookings.
Due to AGCO & Health regulations, No outside food or beverages are permitted.
Parties of 6 or more will be subject to 1 bill (maximum of 4 equal payments) & 20% Auto Gratuity.
We have implemented this cancellation policy to ensure fair treatment for all customers and to maintain the availability of our services. We kindly request that you provide sufficient notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your booking to avoid any applicable charges.